AGILEX ECO | Active SLAM, Follow Me and Multi-point Navigation base on ROS Gazeb

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AGILEX ECO | Active SLAM, Follow Me and Multi-point Navigation base on ROS Gazeb

Since the activity “Building an AgileX Ecosystem” started on June 24, AgileX Robotics has received many cases and open source demos from users at home and aboard in only three months, not only including R&D personnel from high-tech enterprises, but also many professors and students from top universities around the world.


Today we are going to share three simulation videos contributed by Dr. Xianyu Qi from the Bionic Mobile Robot Laboratory of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation BUAA, Hope this interesting sharing can bring more inspiration to our developers. So, let’s get started.


01 Active SLAM

Based on the open-source simulation environment of Gazebo of AgileX SCOUT 2.0 robot, using Active SLAM (as opposed to Passive SLAM) method based on boundary exploration, the robot can quickly realize autonomous navigation in an unfamiliar environment.



02 Follow Me

Based on the open-source simulation environment of Gazebo of AgileX robot and using 2D lidar sensors, Kalman filter and global data association for pedestrian detection and tracking, the robot can realize autonomous pedestrians following.  



03 Multi-targets Navigation

Based on the open-source simulation environment of Gazebo of AgileX SCOUT robot, using the Move Base navigation package and specifying multiple target points through the program, the robot can realize multi-target points reciprocating autonomous movement.  

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